Some parents may feel anxious when it is time for kids to enroll kindergarten. To make sure they are ready for school, you go as far as teaching them about 123s and ABCs. However, their readiness goes beyond their ability to count or know alphabetic. There are other important skills that your kids should master in order to make them go through the school successfully.
When it comes to start school life, you are not the only one who feels anxious. At some point, your kids will feel the same way. They will meet new people and possibly learn new things. In short, they will do many things at school where your presence is not needed all the time. To prepare them to face the new set up, you need to teach them how to be independent. Teach them to do basic routines independently, such as fetch and put away their things on their own. By doing this, your child can cope with separation anxiety.
Before you enroll your kid to nearby kindergarten , you have to make sure that they have the ability to interact well with their peers. It is expected since they will make friends and do something which involves group activities to play or solve problems. If they do not know how to get along with other people outside their family, they will feel left out or uncomfortable when they go to school.
Love to Learn
Early childhood education can be the foundation of lifelong learning for your kid. That is why it is important to make them enjoy the learning process. Encourage a love of learning to your kid is more important than mastering the figures and facts. You can start with supporting critical thinking, nurturing their curiosity, or encouraging them to ask questions.
If your kid has other important skills beyond their ABCs and 123s which can help them to cope with kindergarten, they will be able to feel at ease even without you around. Thus as parents, you have to make sure they master those skills.