Tutor Time Indonesia is proud to introduce the LifeSmart™ curriculum. Inspired by the Multiple Intelligences theory of learning and education, at the heart of this approach is the belief that children learn and understand in different ways. LifeSmart™ teachers value the variety of ways in which children learn, and they seek to provide opportunities for children to develop their minds and abilities through different approaches, materials, and experiences.
LifeSmart™ uses a Learning Care System that consists of:
Observing Children
Entering Assessments
Personalized Lesson Plans
Planned Activities
MathSmart MeSmart BodySmart NatureSmart DesignSmart WordSmart MusicSmart PeopleSmart The Learning Care System provide children with activities that will develop their 8 "smarts":
The Learning Care System evaluates how children learn in 8 different ways
- Approaches to Learning: Measures children’s ability to plan, set goals, and interact with others and their environment.
- Creative Arts Expression: Measures children’s ability to express ideas and feelings through music, movement, visual arts, and drama.
- Early Math: Measures children’s ability to understand number, patterns, sorting and ordering, as well as the ability to use numbers to add, subtract, measure, and graph.
- Language: Measures children’s expressive vocabulary and their ability to use conversation skills and vocabulary to communicate effectively.
- Nature and Science: Measures children’s understanding of the natural and physical world, as well as their ability to observe, describe, predict, and gather data.
- Physical Development and Health: Measures children’s fine and gross motor skills, and their understanding of health and nutrition.
- Social and Emotional Development: Measures children’s self-awareness and ability to show respect and empathy for others.
- Social Studies: Measures children’s understanding of themselves, their families, communities, and their world.
Background on the Multiple Intelligences theory
Howard Gardner of Harvard University constructed the theory of Multiple Intelligences from research on how people learn. In his work, he identified eight distinct intelligences and accurately pinpointed parts of the brain linked to each of the intelligences. It is now one of the most prominent theories explaining how children learn, as well as how to make education more effective. This research and the theory of Multiple Intelligences earned him a MacArthur Fellowship, one of the most prestigious awards in all of education.
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