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    Tutor Time Indonesia is proud to introduce the I Love Me program, a classroom-based social-emotional learning program to meet children’s social and emotional needs through a holistic approach. The I Love Me program is specially designed to enrich children with social-emotional skills, improve self-regulation, and develop social-emotional competence.

  • I Love Me fosters skills, and attitudes across five areas of social and emotional competence:

  • Slide Anti-social Behavior Disruptive Behavior Peer Rejection Impulsive Behavior Aggression ILoveMe Program Prevents:

    Why Social-Emotional Learning is Important

  • Better Grades

    Social-emotional learning is proven to increase children’s academic scores, motivation, connectedness and focus at school.

  • Improve Happiness

    Studies show that social-emotional learning not only improves happiness but also lowers the risks of anxiety, stress, depression, and social withdrawal.

  • More Friends

    Children get along better with friends, show kindness towards others, and feel more confident during social interactions.

  • The I Love Me program is available for classes starting:

  • Young Learner Classes

    TWOS (2-3 years old)

  • Older Learner Classes

    Preschool (3-4 years old)

    Pre Kindergarten (4-5 years old)

    Kindergarten (5-6 years old)

  • Want to Sign Up to Tutor Time?

    We are excited to welcome you at our school! You can arrange a tour by contacting one of our schools directly or simply fill up the form below.

    • Your Child's Date of Birth*