Tutor Time Group Triples Growth in Kindergarten Readiness for 2nd Consecutive Year

December 16, 2016

A new study from Tutor Time and her sister international preschools reveals that the company has achieved three times growth in school readiness among its Pre-K students during the fall 2015-spring 2016 academic year. This is the second consecutive year that the Tutor Time Group’s schools have tripled growth in the number of 4-year-olds able to master the necessary skills to be successful in kindergarten.

These results demonstrate that through an exclusive customized approach to intentional curricular planning, Tutor Time is consistently able to meet children’s individual developmental needs – from classroom to classroom, throughout its portfolio of schools.

“Our unique, data-driven method helps teachers understand each child’s specific developmental needs and interests beginning in infancy,” explained Dr. Susan Canizares, Chief Academic Officer at Tutor Time USA. “This enables us to create relevant, personalized learning experiences to prepare every student for future academic challenges.”

Ensuring Every Child is Prepared

At Tutor Time, Preschool and Pre-K programs and curriculum are supported with LifeSmart, the company’s proprietary digital lesson planning tool. Using it, teachers continually evaluate every child’s growth and select learning activities to promote progress in 88 critical school-readiness capabilities in 10 key developmental domains:

Academic Skills:

o    Math

o    Literacy

o    Creative Arts Expression

o    Nature & Science

o    Social Studies

Life Skills:

o    Language

o    Approaches to Learning

o    Logic & Reasoning

o    Physical Development & Health

o    Social & Emotional Development

This exclusive process was designed in partnership with Assessment Technology, Inc. – a leading provider of valid and reliable assessment, curriculum and reporting services, with more than 500 clients nationwide. Leveraging data on each child’s progress, Tutor Time enables teachers to create developmentally appropriate lesson plans from a comprehensive bank of more than 6,000 learning activities designed to build specific school readiness skills.

“We are the only early care and education company that truly tracks children’s growth and learning over time across quantitative and validated indicators of growth,” noted Canizares. “Using multi-year data, we continually refine our curriculum, define school readiness progress in precise ways, and help families understand where their children are along their learning journey.”

The study of 6,557 4-year-olds at 753 Tutor Time Group preschools in USA noted three times growth from fall 2015 to spring 2016 (from 19 to 64 percent) in the number of children who were at an advanced level for mastering school readiness skills. These results echoed the findings from the prior year’s study – with twice as many students and schools as in the original assessment. Similarly, the research showed comparable gains specifically for mastering language skills and math skills over the school year. The study also indicated that the number of Pre-K students achieving advanced levels in social and emotional readiness had doubled over the year.

The research showed even greater gains for children enrolled in Tutor Time schools for two years: In fall 2014, 5 percent of Preschool students were at an advanced level of school readiness. By spring 2016, 82 percent of those children – now Pre-K students – had reached the advanced level.

Ready for kindergarten?  Click here to find out more about preschool in Indonesia  .

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