Preschool Is Not About Academics

February 21, 2018

Nowadays, there is a constant debate about the best age to start a child on their educational journey and whether it is necessary for them to learn about academic in early age as there are some parents that may think preschool is too young for children to start learning. However, going to school is not all about learning how to read and count correctly. There is much more to preschool than learning the alphabet and recognising numbers.

Children taught at an early age usually benefit in the following ways: improved social skills, good progress in language and cognitive development, good motor skills, and enhanced attention spans. Therefore, early education plays a critical role in early children developmental period as children early education is an effort to unleash all the children potentials, both physically and mentally.

During childhood, the personality of an individual is established. It is the moment that children learn values, conduct norms and become capable of expressing themselves in a certain manner. Children start to build their character naturally by copying others and imitating words that their parents usually use. They also like to follow the adult’s act as their role model. Children are also very curious and they actively like to explore their environment in order to gather new information.

In addition to questioning about everything that interests them, at some point children will also start learning negative behaviors when dealing with “bad” environment. As character of one individual is shaped through the environment and experiences, thus it is essential to place emphasis on a safe and secure environment that provides the opportunity to form certain routines and habits. Through activities or routines, all interactions affecting the behavior, thoughts, feelings, and actions that occur between each child and the adults in his/her life can be seen as opportunities to build positive character. Our children’s character is also molded by their decisions and affects every aspect of their current and future life; therefore, early childhood experiences can impact who we become.

The emotional, social and physical development of young children has a direct effect on their overall development and on the adult they will become. Therefore, character development and education must be started from an early age. It’s never too early to help your child develop good character traits. As parents and teachers, we’re fully responsible for their upbringing, and we do play a vital role in helping children develop their full potential.

This article is written by Yenti Handala, Center Director of Tutor Time Pluit. Ms Yenti holds a degree in Education from Atmajaya University and has 16 years of educating experience. If you would like to know more about preschool in Pluit you can find out more here or chat with us via Whatsapp.

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